The Evolution of Emergency Management Policy and Practice in the United States

Berlin-Mitte Berlin, Deutschland

On 27 September 2019, we discussed together with Prof. Brian J. Gerber and Melanie Gall of the Arizona State University the following question: The Evolution of Emergency Management Policy and Practice in the United States: Key Factors in Performance Improvement. About the topic: The presentation provided a brief history of emergency management policy and practice […]

NATO’s past and future and Poland’s role in the Atlantic Alliance’s collective defence system

Berlin-Mitte Berlin, Deutschland

At 24 October we invited yout to another PizzaSeminar on NATO’s past and future and Poland’s role in the Atlantic Alliance’s collective defence system – from a Polish and a German perspective On this occasion, our Polish cooperation partners from the Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies presented an anthology published on the occasion of Poland's […]

German Peace Index 2020


Serge Stroobants and Mohib Iqbal from the Australian Institute for Economics and Peace will present the recently completed first report on the German Peace Index.

Panel Discussion: CyberFactory#1


CyberFactory: How to make the Factory of the Future efficient and secure? As factories digitalise and adopt automation technologies, they unlock new business models, manufacturing processes and logistics methods - as well as alternative roles for the people and machines that work in the factory. At the same time, these processes result in more complex […]

Presentation “Hidden Costs of Untrusted Vendors in 5G Networks”


Presentation of the Policy Paper "The Hidden Costs of Untrusted Vendors in 5G Networks"     The introduction of the 5G mobile communications standard will bring about a technological revolution for business, industry and society. As a result, trustworthiness and sovereignty over this new supercritical infrastructure are being hotly debated on a national and European […]

China and Network Great Power Ambitions


PizzaSeminar: China and Network Great Power Ambitions   Discussions about the security of 5G networks in Germany always include the question of whether Chinese technology providers should be allowed to participate in the construction of the networks. Emily de la Bruyère and Nathan Picarsic from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies have analysed how the […]