
Our research focuses on civilian and homeland security issues. From counter-terrorism and intelligence policies to social resilience and economic aspects of security, BIGS takes on topics that are at the center of the enduring conflict between liberty, security and prosperity. We analyze homeland security policies from a local (i.e. Brandenburg), German as well as an international perspective.

IT-Sicherheit von Weltraumsystemen

  • April 2024
  • Esther Kern
  • Contribution

The risks of cyber attacks on space infrastructure is often underestimated. In this article, Esther Kern describes the exisiting vulnerabilities, how far-reaching the consequences of attacks can be and which […]


RescueFly – Einsatz von dezentral stationierten Drohnen („Unmanned Aircraft Systems“, UAS) zur Unterstützung bei der Wasserrettung in schwer zugänglichen und weitflächigen Gebieten

  • March 2024
  • Joachim von Beesten, Hannes Braßel, Michael Breuß, Hartmut Fricke, Wolfram Hardt, Ariane Heller, Esther Kern, Mohsen Khan Mohammadi, Martin Lindner, Emily Pfister, Toni Schneidereit, Tim Stuchtey, Ashkan Mansouri Yarahmadi, Thomas Zeh, Sascha Zell, Thomas Zügel
  • BIGS Study Number 11
  • RescueFly

  The RescueFly project aims to make an important technical and socio-political contribution to the modernization of emergency rescue services in Germany. The use of decentrally stationed and highly automated […]


Sicherheitsanalyse Potsdam ‒ Analyse einer Bürgerbefragung zu Lebensqualität und Sicherheit sowie der statistischen Sicherheitslage

  • September 2023
  • Paul Glöckner, Antje Oppitz, Dr. Johannes Rieckmann, Philip Steinkrüger, Dr. Tim Stuchtey, Jenni Uhlig
  • BIGS Study Number 10
  • Creation of a Security Analysis for Potsdam

On behalf of the Brandenburg state capital Potsdam, BIGS worked together with the Neue Köhler Management Gesellschaft (NKMG) and the IABG to carry out a security analysis for Potsdam. For […]


IT-Security als Wegbereiter

  • September 2023
  • Contribution

Together with Trend Micro, BIGS has analyzed how companies perceive their risk of cyberattacks and what role IT-security plays in their business model. The results are based on data collected […]


Wie resilient ist die Bargeldversorgung im Krisenfall? (DSD)

  • June 2023
  • Esther Kern
  • Contribution
  • BASIC – Resilience of Cash Supply – Security Concepts for Emergency and Crisis Situations

In: DSD – Der Sicherheitsdienst. Fachmagazin für die Sicherheitswirtschaft, Issue 02/2023, p. 26-27. Note: The text is based on an earlier contribution to the Protector, issue 04/2023.


Dark Crypto – The Use of Cryptocurrency for Illegal Purposes

  • April 2023
  • Johannes Rieckmann, Tim Stuchtey
  • Contribution

Blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies based on it offer significant innovation potential for businesses and society. However, cryptocurrencies have at the same time become the favoured payment method for certain […]


Ein Sicherheitskonzept zur Stärkung der Resilienz der Bargeldversorgung in Not- und Krisenfällen

  • February 2023
  • Kirsten Wiegand, Laura Brouer, Paul Glöckner, Tim Hageney, Esther Kern, Tobias Kronberger, Johannes Rieckmann, Tim Stuchtey
  • BIGS Study Number 9
  • BASIC – Resilience of Cash Supply – Security Concepts for Emergency and Crisis Situations

For three years, the BASIC project team, coordinated by BIGS, examined the cash cycle in Germany in terms of its vulnerability and, over time, came up with recommendations on how […]
